Category: Training technique

TAT3D realistic targets

Why is a 3D Target better than a cardboard template?

Why do I have to use a three dimensional target?But the real question that a shooter operator must ask instead is:I WANT TO IMPROVE… what does a three-dimensional target offer me more? The advantages of using three-dimensional targets TAT3D they are indisputable and lead the user to be more precise and selective; examples and situations […]

Self defense training templates

Self defense training templates

Browsing the net we stumbled upon an old article from 2019 that appeared on , talks about self defense training with firearms and look a bit … it says what we say! “ There are many types of targets that can be used for firearm shooting training, but perhaps not all of them are […]

TAT3D - target acquisition

Training in acquiring multiple targets at varying distances

“The real battlefield is three-dimensional, it’s not flat like a TV screen or shooting gallery. The distance of the targets (which in reality are armed and dangerous targets) has a fundamental tactical importance. What we must take into account, in a real defense scenario, is both the distance of the targets from us and the […]

The autopilot: automation during combat

“Warriors don’t shoot concentric target circles. Warriors do not shoot at sketched outlines. Warriors must fire at lethal and therefore legitimate targets. Thanks to the clearly superior, dynamic, realistic method of photo-realistic targets, our warriors develop the conditioned reflexes that allow you to automate the appropriate reaction. “ (from On Combat – Psychology and physiology […]