TAT3D is a patented idea by Adriano Peccini, gained over many years of experience in the field of tactical training. Fundamental to the realization was the support of the family business, the PECCINI SILVANO and F. snc , dynamic and technologically advanced company in the field of mechanical modeling and industrial molds .
The product was designed and created not from flat shapes, but from the scanning of human models by optical scanners. This has been associated with the complex process of reverse engineering and CAD design made possible to achieve an extremely realistic and effect of proportions and shapes three-dimensional
The concept
TAT3D is a Target system very close to reality thanks to its scalability that allows you to create very realistic scenarios. Training suitable for selective shooting, dynamic shooting and close combat.
Why 3d vision
The visual process thus acquires a 3D image, consequently the following action becomes a result close to the dynamics of real life situations and extremely useful in operating environments; TAT3D is mostly based on this concept, read more about it Science, technique and psychology of combat .
Why realism
The reaction takes place on a 3D target with the identification of a target that represents the human being and the movement around it, thus leading to the choice of having to hit it, transmitting extremely realistic sensations and emotions. .

TAT3D è un prodotto brevettato unico e originale nel suo genere.

Completamente modulabile
TAT3D è un sistema completamente modulare in grado di ricreare attraverso accessori di ogni tipo scenari altamente realistici.

Parti sostituibili e intercambiabili
La sua modularità consente di sostituire parti eventualmente troppo perforate, aumentando così la vita del bersaglio.

Alta resistenza attraverso materiali ad alto potere assorbente dell’impatto.

The targets are all made with a particular polyurethane compound optimized for use in shooting: the material, once hit by the bullet that passes through it with a straight trajectory, closes on itself.
This allows for high resistance and long operating life, the faster and more penetrating the shots are, the less damage the targets will suffer.
It is possible to go from 3-4,000 shots from 9mm distributed on the central plate up to 6-8,000 from 5.56mm reaching even up to 10,000 total. With special mastic glues it is also possible to carry out effective repairs.
Only the expansive blows are particularly wearing not allowing the re-closing of the hit point.

Viking Defence

Viking Defence

Instructor Zero

Instructor Zero

Ted Cordano (Ret) U.S. Special Forces
“Training with a human-like three-dimensional target such as TAT3D gave me an emotional feeling and a match of the target very close to a real situation. “ span> span>

Ted Cordano (Ret) Forze Speciali U.S.
“L’addestramento con un target tridimensionale dalle sembianze umane come quello di TAT3D, mi ha dato una sensazione emotiva e una corrispondenza del bersaglio molto vicino ad una situazione reale.”