Enzo Meneghini
Shooting and Residential Defense Instructor
Enzo Meneghini is the training consultant for TAT3D. He has collaborated in the training of numerous police forces both in personal defense and in operational shooting techniques, activities also aimed at private individuals.
He started practicing judo at the age of 12, winning the Ligurian category championships at 14. Hence a growing course of study that led him to Japan in the temple of world Judo in Tenri, where in addition to practice, he is also able to establish friendships with famous personalities such as Hosokawua and Masaki, both world champions of the discipline. At the end of the trip he manages to bring the captain of Tenri’s team, future champion of Japan, medalist at the Olympics and current national team coach, Osako Akinobu, to the Sarzana gym in Italy. After this fabulous experience he settled in Udine to form a team able to beat the military sports groups that had monopolized the podium at the time and to be able to attend Marcolina Marino as a teacher: the legend of the ground fight. The Friulian adventure will last for a long time with excellent results at the absolute championships in Italy, with victories of important international trophies both as a team and personal, with the conquest of the blue jersey of the national team and with participation in national retreats including those pre -olimpici next to Ezio Gamba gold medal in Moscow and silver in Los Angeles.
Then the great African adventure that sees him for many years as a safari guide in the countries of Southern Africa, in Namibia. Always judo coach of the University of that country, he also wins a national title. It is here that he discovers his interest in combat and self-defense and the passion he has always had for sport shooting (both with long and short firearms). In particular, during a stay in Pretoria in South Africa, he met and attended Abulnic Idan, an Israeli agent on duty at the embassy of all’ora, where he learned his method in hand-to-hand combat, in combat with the Israeli knife and shooting operations. .
From here the step towards Krav Maga was short, when he returned to Italy he founded the ASO, (Operational Safety Academy) together with Marco Buschini and began the practice of Krav Maga until arriving at the instructors course held by Philippe Kadouche responsible for Italy of the Israeli international federation (IKM). At the end of the course, he becomes the first instructor in Tuscany and Liguria. Here he meets Marte Zanette of the State Police, one of the top operational shooting experts and responsible for the training of police shooting instructors in Nettuno, and becomes their first student and then assistant in the various types of operational shooting courses, escort course , operational techniques, etc .. The growth in Israeli Krav Maga continues at the same time and becomes technical manager for IKMF Italy. In these years he organizes and brings to our country the same students and collaborators of IMI directly from Netanya, considered the best technical teachers in the world (remember in this regard Gabi Noach, Eli ben Amin, Amnon Darsa and Shachar Israeli). </ P >
At the same time he became director of target shooting in Carrara and then, after the federal course organized by Coni, he became federal master instructor (always for CONI) in operational shooting. He greatly expands his experience in Tactical Operational Shooting by inviting Larry Vickers, an icon in the USA, weapons designer and dynamic shooting champion and founder of the defensive shooting federation (IDPA) to Italy. Thus began the collaboration with Larry who for many years went to Italy holding courses in various regions, which saw the participation above all of champions and members of the special operational departments of the police. In 2010 he founded the Circolo di Tiro Fosdinovo sports club with the opening of a sports and defensive shooting range frequented by fans and members of the police. The Fosdinovo field is a specific training ground for shooting and Krav Maga.
In 2011 he invited Garret Machine, discharged in 2010 as a former member of the elite Israeli Duvdevan corps, specializing in counter-terrorism and urban combat, as well as one of the escorts responsible for the Israeli war ministry. Garret Machine is currently back in Miami and serves as an instructor for various American and anti-piracy agencies and SWATs. With him he organized the first “anti-terrorism for operators” course in Italy which saw the massive participation of members of the police. The course is very successful and a second course for Escort and VIP Protection is born from it. On this occasion Garret makes use of the same experience as Enzo for hand-to-hand techniques as well as two Israeli soldiers of the same unit for operational techniques.
From here on he is called to hold training courses related to security in various sectors, I worked as a lecturer in Italian operational military corps and for industrial structures in the training of security personnel.